
From webinars to trade shows we’ll be happy to meet you. Have a look below where we’ll be next and if you can’t wait we have some webinar and conference presentations you can watch whenever you want.


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Whether you’re undertaking a one-time migration project, transitioning from a legacy format to an open XML standard, or routinely converting third-party content for integration into your internal CMS, Tristan explores strategies for success. From outsourcing to vendors to managing your in-house XSLT suite, we cover the diverse tools and approaches involved in the conversion process.

Whether following software schedules or setting your own pace, keeping up with change can be overwhelming. Deadlines raise questions about controlling content changes, preventing unintended modifications, and meeting regulatory requirements. This webinar shares practical tips on managing evolving content and taming potential chaos.

Publications change constantly throughout their lifecycle. More control over how change is represented speeds up and enhances your publishing process, especially when you can adapt the output of changes for different reviewers, editors or even customers.

Change is one of the dynamics of the publishing world. As structured documents transformed the world of publishing, and with the majority of those documents written in XML change tracking tools have failed to keep up.

Presented at Tekom 2020, Product Director Tristan Mitchell demonstrates how to create additional revenue around your document-based products by providing value-add to your customers.

Presented at Tekom 2020, Product Director Tristan Mitchell looks at how content changes across the whole content lifecycle and discusses how comparison tools can be used to help you keep control and maintain your sanity.